Friday, January 22, 2010

Freezer/Pantry Challenge

Recently, I was looking through my friends' blogs and came across one that has inspired me.  My friend Christine, aka "The Menu Mom" ( is challenging her followers to live out of their freezers and pantrys for the entire month of January.  The goal of course is to come up with meals without buying a lot of extra groceries and therefor, saving money.  I didn't actually read about it until this past weekend but I jumped right in.  So far this week, the only money spent at the grocery store has been for a gallon of milk.  A grand total of about $4.00. 

I tend to keep a fairly well stocked pantry and my freezers are generally full as well.  You also have to keep in mind that we raise cattle and buy a whole pig every year from our neighbor.  This shouldn't be hard, I just have to follow through.  I will try to recall what I have made so far this week.

Sunday - we went to my sister-in-law's house for lunch to celebrate my mother-in-law's birthday.  I had given her a 20lb ham to cook for the occasion so she sent some of the leftover ham with us.  Sunday night we had popcorn and ice cream, our usual.

Monday - Lunch -the kids were home for Martin Luther King's birthday -we went to my Aunt's
          house and she cooked us Swiss Steak.  Yummy! 
     Supper - Tacos

Tuesday - Lunch - leftover ham and a yogurt
     Supper - Cheesy Potato Soup and I added the leftover ham to it

Wednesday - Lunch - leftover soup
     Supper - pot roast with carrots and potatoes

Thursday - the girls were home from school due to ice
     Lunch - leftover soup again
     Supper - Mexican Chicken Casserole

Today I plan to have leftover pot roast for lunch, and I'm thinking homemade pizza for supper.  I know I have crust, sausage, and cheese.  I'll have to see if I have any sauce.

I also made a meal for my friend who recently had a baby which consisted of a homemade Chicken Pot Pie and Chocolate Chip Cookies.

I know I can do this I just have to keep it up so I have asked one of my friends to hold me accountable not only to not spending money on food but also to not buying anything that isn't Needed.

I'll let you know how it goes!

1 comment:

"The Menu Mom" said...

Glad to have inspired you! I hope it goes well!